Super Worldbox
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Super Worldbox
Open World
In Super Worldbox you can build your own world and the fill it with life. Create different creatures: sheep, wolves, humans, orcs, dwarves, and even Dragons or UFO! Watch how civilizations progress and interact with each other. Or you can use your powers to destroy. Start fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, launch meteorites! Everything is up to you!
Not sure if this version is working or not so download at your own risk:
Links (Password:
I uploaded version 0.10.3 here!
Thanks ^^
link pls
click on the “here” from gookie
Muchas gracias Gookie, estaba buscando el enlace, tkm. <3
Cuidado, trae troyano
bro igual no me deja extraerlo me dice que introduzca una contraseña
when will the beta be?
no me sirve para nada
Encontré un link per solo me MediaFire y de la 0.9.1
Thanks for sharing with me and other people ^^
lo malo es que la ultima versión es la 9.6 pero por ahora me conformo con la tuya
pueden subirlo a google drive por favor?
Pls the security prompot is loop and cant open the download link
it opened just fine for me :((
megaup link
the game crash at opening 🙁
“Not sure if this version is working or not so download at your own risk” 🙁
Links are dead
no link
At least megaup link is still alive.
I can open it but after a few seconds it crash 🙁
Sad to hear that :((
Hay alguien que pueda pasar otra update para el juego
Does not run, the game Crash when starting up
no link
Added new links.
is there a 0.14.1 version? if so please upload thanks
sadly no :((
New Version Pls
Don’t have it.
please upload update 0.13.0
That one is the one I got for this game :((
pa cuando el link lit estoy que espero mucho XD
new links are up but I don’t know if this version is working or not
Mac-Mac hay un mac que paso el link 0.13.4 validos los mods
el archivo pide una contraseña
password? no te pide nada solo instálalo y ya es todo
link is dead
I haven’t had this game for a long time.
pasen link de descarga de la ultima plz (no me deja entrar a la de gookie)
bro el link donde esta
I still haven’t had new links for this game ^^
hello im here to warn u of a thing this game is now in steam so people who don’t have the pirated version of steam will get all premium things locked so I encourage u to get a link to the steam version but pirate and also make it for the latest version the 0.12.blablabla post it in a place where u know si hard to get the link killed by copyright please
Can someone pass the link of the 1.12.2 ?
the uploaded version 0.12?
I have no links for this game :((
why would you upload something that doesnt has download also the link gookie sended has virus be ware
well because I had links for this game in the past but I don’t have it anymore
and I decided to keep the thread so if I have new links in the future, I will add them in, and also people were popping and sharing links in the comment, I couldn’t delete the thread like that.
Where is the link to the game??
Don’t have it :<<
Que paso con el link estaba esperando la versión 0.10.0 😢
A member shared a link but I forgot to download it, now it’s down and he doesn’t respond anymore :((
Me lo puede pasar el enlace tabes pueda extraerlo y lo pueda pasar a otro
Well, the link is in the comment section, and it’s dead. And I don’t have it in my PC so that’s why I can’t reupload it :<<
alguien tiene el link porfavor 🙁
Alguien Tiene El Link??
No esta subela en drive google
send the link for google drive so it cannot get banned
really sorry cause I didn’t download the link that a member shared in the comment section and now when it’s dead, I don’t have the game anymore :((
Alguien tiene un link que no este caido?
Ya que unos no es pareció
por no ser la 9.6 se las tengo
Thanks for sharing but I think it’s dead though ^^
F esta muerto x’D, si no te recomiendo que lo subas a google drive
Hola bro, crea el link por google drive porque en mediafire lo banean
se cerro el link
Pol el link en google drive pls
Still haven’t had it ^^
y el link?
still haven’t had the links for the game :<
solo esta disponible el link de google y no funciona
I suppose it’s dead now, I couldn’t find any new links, I will upload new links if I find one and comment on your comment though.
when I click on the link it gives error
I suppose it’s dead now, I couldn’t find any new links, I will upload new links if I find one and comment on your comment though.
Los otros 2 enlaces 1FICHIER y GOFILE no funcionan para ir a la pagina y el de google dice error No puedes acceder a este documento porque infringe nuestros terminos de servicio
I suppose it’s dead now, I couldn’t find any new links, I will upload new links if I find one and comment on your comment though.
cada vez que le clickeo al link me sale otra pagina, o la pagina de descargar una extension en chrome, nefasto ^^
link fall
new link is up ^^
es la ultima versión?
new links for v0.9.4 are up but I don’t know if it’s the latest version or not ^^
el archivo viene con virus? o es solo mi antivirus que lo detecta como tal?
it’s a cracked game so yep it will alert your AV ^^
rew r